Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Week 4 - Day 10 – 06.02.10 - Wednesday (4.01 Miles)

“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.” – Dolly Parton

Dolly obviously hadn’t grown up in Oregon but it brought a smile to my face regardless. This was the day by day quote that welcomed me back from a great Memorial Day weekend yesterday but I forgot to tear it off for the June 2nd quote that wasn’t as clever as this one. Driving in with all the rain and near misses on the highway, I thought the poem was both meaningful but also literal for my pending run. However….the Rain Gods took pity on me today and decided to stop raining when I started my 4 mile run and start raining the second I finished it.

I also saw something today that I had heard about but not experienced before in person. An actual runner running BAREFOOT along the waterfront with me. OMG…OMG. My friend Maddy who has done several marathons gave me a heads up or should I say feet up on these types of runners. My guess is that they have done it for so long and that the bottom of their feet are calloused? I can’t imagine running anywhere on the street, let alone the Portland waterfront area, especially when I have seen many a broken beer bottle or some sharp debris left from previous festivals that inhabit that area several times of the year. This barefoot runner was actually running towards me and had a look of “I’m so much better than you, because I run barefoot” face. I say live and let live but don’t come crying to me if you get an infection from some cut.

Back to some milestones. This is the first time in my whole 38 years that I have ever ran 4.01 miles all in one time AND without stopping. My CardioTrainer triumphantly announced that this was “a new record” compared to my past runs. My stats showed I ran the entire 4 miles at a pace of 11:16 min/mile. At this point of my running experience, I still can’t believe I just ran 4 miles although my left knee and right shin are saying loud and clear that THEY do.

Another slick feature that my CardioTrainer app does is it exports with a click of the button an aggregate of all my past runs since I first used CardioTrainer. It’s amazing how far I have come and exciting to think what it will look like again in a month from now. Essentially I have ran my marathon of 26.2 miles in sections (please note there were 6 miles that were ran prior to my downloading of the CardioTrainer application that is not reflected below):

You would think the running milestone would get me excited but it’s actually the fundraising. This past week has been a fruitful one and so many people, long time friends and some I have not had the pleasure to meet with unselfishly donated a total of $500 to this cause which brings the total now to $800!!! I want to say thank you to Angi, Becky, Jill, Tom, and a new friend and supporter Brenda for supporting TNT and The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Their generous donations gives me more motivation to keep up the hard work for those honored team members like Emily all worth it.

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