Saturday, June 12, 2010

Week 5 - Day 14 - 06.12.10 -Saturday (7 Miles)

Just volunteered for the first time for the 06.12.10 Helvetia Half Marathon.  A special shout out to my friends Heidi, Jan, AND hubby Tim who also volunteered alongside me and raised an additional $100 towards my fundraising for doing so.

We were responsible for help setting up the aid station at mile post 8 on the corner of West Union and Jackson Quarry Road.  I learned quickly that communication is key to not only relationships but events like this.  We were missing some key elements to our aid station that proved a challenge, however all the ladies and my husband were able to power through and take care of the runners coming by. There was Juanita and her friends Tami and Heidi, as well as Susie and her girls and mother in law Bonnie.  I also met a fellow TNT runner named Sarah who was training for the half marathon for Portland. She was very sweet.  I was happy to work alongside everyone who was nice and really helped out.  I was also able to see what the fastest runners looked like when came first past us I am guessing at 8-10 MPH! It was impressive. I also saw my BFF Maddy run by and totally forgot she was doing this marathon.  She is one of my inspirations for doing this.

After the volunteering, I still had to run my 7 miles because I had missed my 8AM team run due to volunteering. So my husband dropped me off at the Hillsboro Stadium where the actual Helvetia Marathon began and ended and I started on my run.  This was a true test for me because I was a little tired after helping out with other runners and the it was around noon so the sun was out.  I am excited to say I finished my 7 miles but boy was I tired.  I met my husband back at the stadium and implored him to bring me to the nearest eatery before I pass out of hunger and thirst. Now onto Week 6 and my new goal of 8 miles!

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