Saturday, June 5, 2010

Week 4 - Day 11 – 06.05.10 - Saturday (6 Miles)

It was a turning point for me today.

My bronchitis was at bay for the first time in weeks. Also I don't know if it's my running or boot camp that is helping my endurance but either way both are getting "a little easier". The day started with sunshine, which after 20 some days of rain was a sight for sore eyes.

I made it to the TNT group run practice site 15 minutes early. It was just Coach Darrell, his daughter, and I at the parking lot at first and then shortly after others joined us.

I have to tell you I was a little nervous because I just finished doing my 4 mile run on Wednesday and the thought of doing 6 miles was daunting. I kept telling myself as long as I can stay at a good steady pace throughout, I can see how my body feels after mile 4. After I finished my first mile, for some reason I must have accidentally paused my CardioTrainer. Because of this error, there was about 1.34 miles after turning right on 158th not accounted for on the CardioTrainer. I was able to get it started back up when I turned right on Murray but it would have been nice to see the stats in all it's 6 mile glory. Note to self: Check on CardioTrainer to make sure pause button is not hit!

This route surprisingly brought back many childhood memories. When I took the left onto Jenkins and did a quick pitstop in front of the Fire Station, I just realized the last time I walked this sidewalk was when I was about 9 or 10 with my grandparents when they used to live at the Ecole Apartments across the way. They both worked at Tektronix during it's heydey back in the late 70's early 80's. At this point my body was doing surprisingly well and my pace was a little slower than usual but not bad. I took my right on Millikin and passed my mother's old Tektronix building and it was there where I think I experienced my first "runner's high" taking my right on 141st (see pic below). No there were no angels singing but there was no one around and my body felt good, I mean really good and nothing was hurting. I looked down at my crumpled piece of directions and realized I had just finished 4.8 miles and was still going strong.

I kept telling my body, you can do this, Coach Darrell's office is only a little over mile from here. Then I got really excited and then my pace started to quicken.

I then met up with mentors Diane and Lisa at the light at Murray and Millikin and proudly announced this will be my first time I will finish 6 miles. Diane was on it and said she would run ahead and capture this moment, I heart Diane!

My body still felt good and I could see the starting point in the distance and then I had a burst of energy and ran towards Coach Darrell with some applause from my fellow TNT teammates.

To add to my excitement, Coach Darrell announced I had hit another milestone this 3rd Saturday of TNT Westside training. I was the third (3rd) highest fundraiser for this week at $800 and awarding me with some cool dry fit Nike socks. To commemorate this moment, check out my video seconds after my 6 mile run. A little winded but still psyched!

Quick shout out to three people who added to my $800 fundraising total to bring us to $950. Thanks to Clay, Jeff, and Krashie for your donations!!!

I also want to say hi to some new TNT friends that I met this week which was Kathi and many others. Here is a picture of our Westside Gang:

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