Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Track Day - 06.30.10 - Wednesday

Another sunny day for Track Day.

I was hoping to see my Mentor Jodi who sent me a nice email that morning but found out she was stuck at work, however my pace buddy Andrea was there all smiles and brought me some informational runner magazines. Gotta love Andrea :D My other new TNT friend Keli was there too and was dearly missed for the last week because of her family trip to Crater Lake.

Coach Darrell was there and looking rather spry even after finishing his Iron Man Triathalon in Idaho just this last Sunday right at 12 hours....Amazing!!  I also saw Mentor Kat who finished her Seattle Rock and Roll Marathon looking quite good and all smiles.  Coach Darrell and Mentor Kat that show us that these endurance events can be done and done without injury.

I was running a bit late because of traffic and immediately ran my 800 meters while everyone finished a bit earlier and caught up with the rest of the group while they stretched.  We then did some core strengthening exercises on the field which I LOVED!  I have been doing 24 Hour Fitness' bootcamp since November and all the exercises we did minus of course some push ups and weights are what I was used to and good at so that was a strength.  Now for the hard part, the other part of track practice which were these weird exercises called Farklets (sp?).  Essentially Coach Darrell would let us run at 70-80% of our speed around the track for 30 seconds and then he would whistle signaling us to slow down to a jog for 1 minute and this would repeat about 4 times.  After 4 times doing this, we would get to rest for 1 minute walking.  Then repeat all of this 3 more times.  I tell you every time I would hear that whistle, even now if I am in public, I am afraid without warning I might sprint or do a light jog wherever I am and however I am dressed. It's a good exercise and one I think I may have to do on my own as well.  Afterward, which is my favorite part, we did our 800 meter cool down and to stretches.

Lightning Linda shared with us her fundraiser which are these cool TNT magnet ribbons we can stick to our cars for just $10.  I am thinking of getting one, just have to find away to stick it to Sally's window so her paint doesn't get screwed up.  Decisions...decisions.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Week 8 - Day 21 - 06.28.10 - Monday (10 Miles)

I have to say I don't dread Mondays anymore.  Now that I have it in my schedule to run on these days and now I do them in the mornings to free up my afternoons, I actually...secretly look forward to them now.

Today was no exception.  I knew that this week we would have to run 10 miles on Saturday so thought why not try to see if my body and MIND would allow me to run the 10 miles.  I had set to do my usual 3 laps around the entire waterfront and steel/Hawthorne bridges like last Monday but something said change it up a bit.  I started off at 6:43AM and decided to veer off and run towards OMSI and see where it would lead me.  Thank God I did.  I found the much talk about Springwater Corridor and wanted to see how far I could get to it. It was fabulous running on a narrow stretch of asphalt and the only other inhabitants this early Monday morning were cyclists and fellow runners. 

What I appreciated about this trail was it ran alongside the Willamette River and would take you to Oaks Park.  The sun was just making it's way and the city looked gorgeous.  I almost made it to Oaks Park but looked at my watch and had to turn around to make sure I was back to make it for a 9AM phone conference. My trusty CardioTrainer also reminded me at the turnaround that I had already hit 7 miles so I just needed 3 more miles to get my 10 miles today.  I ran back just in time and was able to take some pics on the way back from my vantage point.  I will definitely tackle this trail again soon to see if I can actually reach Oaks Park.

I hit my 10 miles right at 2 hours so I am averaging about 5 miles per hour.  My next goal is to hopefully bump up my mileage to 6 miles per hour which is an average of 10 minute miles.  It's definitely doable!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Week 7 - Day 20 - 06.26.10 - Saturday (11.27 Miles)

Whoa, today was a challenge but also very inspiring.

I started my 9 mile TNT team run with my trusty pace/running buddy Andrea.  We were killing it with a 10 minute or so pace and then we had to STOP.  There was a train that was keeping us from getting to Front Street/Natio Parkway to get back to our starting spot for our 4 minute loop and first aid break. 

After waiting there for about 10 minutes or so, Andrea and I made an executive decision to take a detour instead of stay with the masses and bitch about it.  Thank God, unfortunately that long amount of time being stationary did a number on my body who thought..."All right, we're done running today."  This is where I have to send a big THANK YOU to Andrea because she kept us at our average race pace and was very inspiring to me.  She was very patient and encouraged me to stay my pace because this is why we are all here. 

Here was the internal struggle conversation that was going on in my crazy runner brain:

Devil on my left shoulder:
Mel you ran your 9 miles twice this week, so don't push it and it's ok if you want to stop earlier.

Andrea Angel on my right shoulder:
You can do it girl and remember next week is 10 miles and we don't want to run shorter than 9 today and have to make it up for next Saturday.

Devil on my left shoulder:
Don't listen to your new pace/running buddy.  She doesn't know you like I do and remember you deserve a break today.

Andrea Angel on my right shoulder:
We are almost there and we can do this (said with a smile).

Me to my Devil on my left shoulder:
You know what Devil, every time I listen to you bad things happen and because of you I am carrying an extra 40 pounds or so on my short take a hike!

Then we were literally off to the races.  Thanks to my CardioTrainer we were able to modify our run today because that darn train was still coming and blocking our intended run directions.  We both decided to head to Nicolai and get our mileage that way and unfortunately had to run by the McDonalds and smell the grease too.

We finished our 9 miles...........or so we thought.  Both Andrea and I decided to celebrate our accomplishment with a stretch, pics with our loveable Diane, and then some eats at Breken Kitchen. 

We were chowing down on our Sexy Elvis P and B sandwhiches when I discovered on my CardioTrainer that we not only logged in our 9 miles today but we went over and above and actually ran 11.27 miles!!!!!!!! What the????  Andrea was so jazzed and I was grinning from ear to ear with my not so sexy sweat stained Nike shirt on. 

Well's a good day indeed!



Thursday, June 24, 2010

Week 7 - Day 19 - 06.24.10 - Thursday (9.07 Miles)

Today’s theme is flexibility!

I was set to do my 9 miles today like I had accomplished on Monday…3 times around the waterfront loop. I was going to do that until I noticed that all the bridges were up so I decided to take a detour and run up along Front Street/Naito Parkway towards NW Portland. It was so beautiful and the new condos alongside the other side of the steel bridge are gorgeous. The only odd thing I saw during this route was a man running in his red Crocs, I mean aren’t those for gardening? I guess it isn’t any stranger than running barefoot.

I was able to get my 3 miles in that way and head up to waterfront loop and then get another 3 miles going to OMSI and back. I was able to finish my 9.07 miles in 107 minutes.

I also like the fact that I have been doing my runs early in the morning when the sun is still bearable and there aren’t that many pedestrians/cyclists to contend with. Another plus is that I get to enjoy the rest of the day without stressing about my pending run. This week and last I have ran the length of my marathon in chunks....UNBELIEVABLE!

As I crossed the Hawthorne Bridge I noticed a banner stating it’s 100th year existence. I can only imagine what Portland looked like in 1910.

I also noticed the crew/rowing teams out on the lake for their early morning exercises. I love this town and being able to see it due to my training has been a reward. I also noticed that I am starting to see some familiar faces with other runners who run around the same time I do. What strikes me every time I run are the different body shapes of runners. Before signing up for Team in Training I assumed that everyone had that lithe runner’s body which I understand in time some do obtain. I’ve just noticed that my face seems to have slimmed down and that my body fat has lessened by several percentages so all this running is doing something. Now for my reward I have made an appointment for a one hour sports massage later this afternoon.

On to Saturday for my next 9 mile run!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Track Day - 06.23.10 - Wednesday

I both dread and love track nights.

I dread what Coach Darrell has in store with us but I love leaving there accomplishing something new and challenging and of course getting to know my TNT teammates. Last night was no exception. Lighting Linda was close by when we did our track exercise which was:

Warm up – 400 Meters (one time around entire track)

3 Sets of:
Running 400 Meters at 80-90% speed
Running 200 Meters at slow pace at 50-60% speed
Running last 200 Meters at 80-90% speed
Cool down walk for two minutes

Cool Down – Light jog for 800 Meters (2 times around entire track)

I found out that Lightning Linda lived in my birthplace Cebu City, Philippines for several years and that her eldest daughter was born in the Philippines…I mean what a small world!

I also really like my new pace and running buddy Andrea. She and I did our warm up and cool down together and we are looking forward to our 9 mile run for this Saturday with the both the West and East running teams combined. I did miss my new TNT friend Keli and of course or loveable Mentor Diane.

Coach Darrell advised his better half Coach Heidi is battling with a bad back and can hardly move. I hope she will be OK by the time Saturday comes because she is the only TNT running coach that will be leading our combined run this Saturday since her hubby Coach Darrell and Eastside running Coach Carl are leaving for Idaho this weekend for their Ironman Triathalon…phew

Monday, June 21, 2010

Week 7 - Day 18 - 06.21.10 - Monday (9.0 Miles)

I came off a runner’s high from Saturday and was determined to hit my official 9 miles for week 7 of TNT training. I decided to do my run early in the morning this time since I had several appointments during lunch and after work. I figured if I don’t make the time for this, when will I have time for it, right?

I am so glad I did. I started my run at 6:30AM and did my usual 3 mile waterfront loop but this morning I had said out loud I was going to do it 3 times which would hit my 9 mile goal. Amazingly my labored breathing and pains stopped sooner than my usual 2 miles and I was on a high. I was also able to try the Lime flavored Gu that I purchased over the weekend and not bad. I want to start getting used to these types of runner tools for my pending endurance events.

The sun started to rise and I knew I was going to make it. I crossed the Hawthorne Bridge for the third time and could see the end of the bridge. I hit my 9 miles ironically in front of the statue of former Portland Mayor Vera Katz. I decided to take a self portrait of the both of us to commemorate this blessed event, but instead a helpful street person whom I have renamed Mr. Doe offered to take this picture. I felt a bit scared that he might run off with my Droid (camera/phone) but handed it to him anyway. Mr. Doe did a great job taking the picture of Vera and I celebrating my latest running accomplishment. Life is good!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Week 6 - Day 17 - 06.19.10 - Saturday (7.0 Miles)

Today’s TNT group run was a delight. We started our run with a visit from a local chiropractor Dr. Howell at Evelyn Sheffler Park near Beaverton High School. He was very helpful and explained why this run would be at a lower mileage than our previous weeks because of having to let the body rest or repair itself with the increased mileage. He also demonstrated some helpful stretches and gave us some handouts and information about his website and Facebook page.

This is a great picture of out Westside TNT Coach Darrell with Mentor Jodi’s pink Nike jacket, I think it brings out his eyes…don’t you?

During Dr. Howell’s presentation my new running buddy Andrea came by and asked if she could run with me. To be honest I was hesitant at first because I have always seen Andrea in the faster pace group and was concerned I would really slow her down. I shared with her that I may have a slower pace but would never stop and she shared with me that she was ok with it. We ran our first 4 miles together and it was FABULOUS! It’s amazing when you find someone with the same pace and in deep conversation how fast the miles go. She and I found out that we not only attended the same local high school but also work in the same field of health Insurance. I was only going to do my required 5 miles this week but felt so good did 2 more miles with Andrea and a TNT alumni Tina who joined us. Tina shared with Andrea and I her first year of TNT and what to expect and how much weight she had lost. She was such an inspiration to the both of us and because of our deep conversations our 2 miles flew by as well. The only unfortunate thing was my CardioTrainer decided to pause itself in the middle of the 2 mile run so we are missing 0.91 miles of the data. The interesting thing was our pace did quicken after we started to really get into our run and was warmed up.

I can’t wait for next Saturday to run with my new pace buddy Andrea and hopefully Tina. I am so proud of myself to be able to keep up with the faster runners and can still talk too? Is this the same Melody that started this crazy journey 6 weeks ago??? I think not :D

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Week 6 - Day 16 - 06.17.10 - Thursday (8.8 Miles)


Every time I do the 3 mile waterfront loop close to my downtown office, I have the pleasure of running past a statue of former Portland Mayor Vera Katz. She is there just like me day in and day out, rain or shine smiling at me as I run further and further in my marathon training. It was an actual nice, sunny day in Portland and everyone was out either on their bike, running, or just walking. I felt great and my body felt even better. I can understand what one of my TNT coaches Heidi said weeks ago….”your body will do amazing things” and it has. I know the weeks leading up to this has been grueling and my body has been fighting me up until then with the bronchitis stint and new aches and pains, but finally it’s starting to work in concert with my mind and my mind says…YOU CAN DO IT!!!

Today was no exception and almost hit my 9 mile goal at 8.8 miles. One of these days when I hit my 9 miles, I will get that picture with Vera.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Track Day- 06.16.10 - Wednesday

Laffy Taffy Relays….

Yup it is what is sounds like. I ran my first 100, 200, and 400 meter relay races today with my cool team #3 which included such teammates as Keli and Chelsea.

I had to start the first leg each time which I felt a lot of pressure to do a good job. We had different kinds of batons to hand off, which our team had a cherry flavored Laffy Taffy. Others had a banana (no joke), and other flavors of Laffy Taffy. There were times I wanted to just throw up and probably looked like I did but now I know what I need to do when doing sprints like this which is to stay focus and have a good steady pace.

Our very own team photographer Diane was there taking photos of us AND running herself, what a woman!

Coach Darrell gave us some great insights about starting out slow for any race and keeping a good pace. Doing this exercise I learned that all the excitement in the beginning mixed with adrenaline makes you want to bust out of the gates like that race horse but then when you near the end, all the gas you burned earlier is almost empty.

I was also able to meet some new TNT members such as Christy and Jess who were on other teams but I was able to jog with before and after our relays. It’s nice to meet other people who are also doing an endurance event for the first time of their lives and that we are all in this together.

I also want to thank the Rain Gods for taking pity on us again this week and holding off any rain during our track practice!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Week 6 - Day 15 - 06.14.10 - Monday (8.51 Miles)

Runners High Unite!!!

I am learning that this running thing is not only a physical but also mental. I set out to run 8 miles today because I had just hit another milestone last week with running 7 miles.  As usual my familliar aches and pains and labored breathing started until I hit Mile 2.5 and then everything just went away and as they say...I hit my stride.  The weather was a perfect 68 degrees and everyone was out and about at the waterfront/boardwalk in downtown.

I started to near Mile 4.0 and still felt great and surprisingly it lasted past Mile 6.0.  It was just two Saturdays ago that I hit 6 miles for the first time in my life and that was such a difficult but rewarding milestone.  I kept telling my self that I can go further today and to keep my pace.  Sure there were several runners that ran past my left several times but it didn't bother me because later on I would past them when they were either tired or done with their run.  I kept going until my body finally surrendered and gave me the white flag.  My eyes couldn't believe what my CardioTrainer had shown that I had hit 8.51 miles nonstop!!!!!

I treated myself to a gyro and some Vitamin Water because I had burned about 1000 calories with this run.  Life is Good!

I want to send a shout out to my high school friend Anne for donating $50 to the cause and also sending in paperwork to her company that will match her donation.  I also want to say thanks to my brother and sister in law Andy and Sara for sending a check for $50 in the mail from Arizona.  I am so very thankful that my fundraising efforts are going as smoothly as my training...thank you all!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Week 5 - Day 14 - 06.12.10 -Saturday (7 Miles)

Just volunteered for the first time for the 06.12.10 Helvetia Half Marathon.  A special shout out to my friends Heidi, Jan, AND hubby Tim who also volunteered alongside me and raised an additional $100 towards my fundraising for doing so.

We were responsible for help setting up the aid station at mile post 8 on the corner of West Union and Jackson Quarry Road.  I learned quickly that communication is key to not only relationships but events like this.  We were missing some key elements to our aid station that proved a challenge, however all the ladies and my husband were able to power through and take care of the runners coming by. There was Juanita and her friends Tami and Heidi, as well as Susie and her girls and mother in law Bonnie.  I also met a fellow TNT runner named Sarah who was training for the half marathon for Portland. She was very sweet.  I was happy to work alongside everyone who was nice and really helped out.  I was also able to see what the fastest runners looked like when came first past us I am guessing at 8-10 MPH! It was impressive. I also saw my BFF Maddy run by and totally forgot she was doing this marathon.  She is one of my inspirations for doing this.

After the volunteering, I still had to run my 7 miles because I had missed my 8AM team run due to volunteering. So my husband dropped me off at the Hillsboro Stadium where the actual Helvetia Marathon began and ended and I started on my run.  This was a true test for me because I was a little tired after helping out with other runners and the it was around noon so the sun was out.  I am excited to say I finished my 7 miles but boy was I tired.  I met my husband back at the stadium and implored him to bring me to the nearest eatery before I pass out of hunger and thirst. Now onto Week 6 and my new goal of 8 miles!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Week 5 - Day 13 – 06.10.10 - Thursday (6.61 Miles)

I must be an Oregonian!

Thursday from the time I woke up to the time I had to get ready for my run it was pouring down rain. I knew that if I kept waiting my window of opportunity to get my run in would be next to nil.  So I weathered the storm and did my 6.61 miles today.  It was interesting to see how many runners would be out as well.  The first lap around the Waterfront, there was a good amount of us getting our runs in but when I decided to go another round hoping to hit my 7 miles again today, there was probably only a handful of us left.  Each one nodding to each other with that look of "I know it sucks that it is raining, but I love to run, right?."  What I couldn't believe was that I was out there doing it and after mile 2 or 3, I literally forgot about the rain.  I know you are probably saying, are you high Mel??  No I just was so focused on my pace and how good my body actually felt that the rain was actually a welcome element because it kept my body from overheating.  My only worry now is when I do run in hotter weather, how will my body react being so used to wet and cold.

As I was nearing my 7 mile mark, both my stomach and brain decided to have a go around with me saying "You need to stop...I'm hungry" or "You need to stop, you don't want to get sick again do you?"  So I stopped and felt good but then I realized oh my I have been running in the rain for over an hour that my dri fit top and pants were drenched and added another 2-3 lbs to my frame.  Comically I grabbed some food at the local pizzeria close to my office and sheepishly paid the nice server with a sopping wet $5 dollar bill.  She was sweet and understanding and wished me a dryer afternoon.

I am looking forward to volunteering for my first half marathon event for the Helvetia Marathon this Saturday.  It will give me an idea of how a race is organized and what is done behind the scenes for the competitors since I will be helping at one of the aid stations.  Later that day, there should be a team run set for us that have volunteered so we can still stay on course with our training.

I will share more later this Saturday :D

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Track Day- 06.09.10 - Wednesday

Man oh man it was a hard one. I assumed doing hardcore bootcamp every Tuesday and Thursday would help, but it felt like it didn't. Oh wait, maybe it did help and if I hadn't been conditioned in bootcamp I wouldn't be here to write about this experience.

On a good note, we didn't get rained on even though the weather was very unpredictable from downpours to sunlight every 30 minutes. Coach Darrell had us do 6 x 300m sprints as fast as we can and then tagging our pace partner so they can do their sprints with a one mile cool down. I want to give a special shout out to my pace partner Andrea. She was so encouraging and patient with me....that means a lot! I also wanted to say to everyone that I have a new running hero and her name is Linda or should I say "Lightning Linda". On my second 300m sprint I had a good pace and then to my left I swear I heard the wind just fly by me, only it wasn't the wind it was Lightning Linda. She made it look so easy and all the while yelling my name "Go Mel" for that's a mentor! The only thing she is missing is a giant "S" on her chest and red cape.

I am not going to lie, it was brutal but I know it will all help out in the end when race day comes. I am both excited and scared on what next Wednesday's track day will hold.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Week 5 - Day 12 – 06.07.10 - Monday (7.3 Miles)

That darn monkey is finally off my back and it's name was Brochitis.

It's amazing how much easier things are when you can breathe and boy did I breathe. Everything was working except my darn CardioTrainer kept hiccupping along the way so I had to capture my run today in chunks, but all is not lost, I ran my first ever 7 miles and as Tony the Tiger used to say...."I feel GRRRRRRREAT!"

It was a nice 68-69 degrees today and just perfect for a run along the waterfront. Like always my first mile was painful but once I hit that mark, everything went to auto pilot. Unfortunately there was about 0.7 of my mileage that wasn't captured on the CardioTrainer because it froze so had to restart it once I hit my that first mile. My breathing wasn't labored and my pace seem to quicken. I don't know for sure if the CardioTrainer is accurate because of it freezing up now and then but it was showing my pace in the 9-10 minute mark....what???

I actually ran the entire Waterfront loop twice this time to get my 7 miles and couldn't believe it was easier than I thought. Excited to see what fun and games are awaiting me for this Wednesday's track workout at Sunset High School.

Let the games begin!