Sunday, October 17, 2010

Week 23 - Day 62 - 10.17.10 - Sunday (B - 26.2 miles)


Check out the movie I created that I think captures the essence of not only my journey but my fellow TNTers.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Week 23 - Day 61 - 10.16.10 - Saturday (B - 2 miles)

Can't believe we are finally here and my first marathon is tomorrow!!!

We all met at the SF Westin Hotel lobby for our morning run.  It was a nice 2 miles around the hotel and back. Afterwards a group of us went to the nearby breakfast eatery and enjoyed our much deserved food.

Now I just have to remember to avoid walking/running anywhere today to save my legs for tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Week 23 - Day 60 - 10.13.10 - Wednesday (B - 3 miles)

It was another morning run close to home today.  I was about to take a shower and then thought, might as well get my short run in to at least keep my legs still used to running.

It felt good but of course I was both hit with a feeling of anxiousness and excitement for my first full marathon this Saturday.  Felt good after my run and can't wait to see my running buddy and friend Karissa for dinner tonight at The Chart House.  It almost is like a full circle of having my send off dinner with Karissa at the Chart House where I have ran to for the last several months of my morning training on Terwilliger.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Week 22 - Day 59 - 10.09.10 - Saturday (B - 6 miles)

Another raining morning but can't believe this my last Saturday team run.  I decided to just run 6 miles instead of the 8, since no one else was doing 8 and the majority of the runners were doing 2 who are running tomorrow for the Portland Marathon.

It was raining of course and all of us met at Nike.  Soon after I rushed over to Mentor Diane's house for bubble painting of our race shirts.  I can't believe it's almost here!

After the bubble painting, I was able to treat myself to a much needed massage and then rushed to downtown Portland to meet one of my BFF to get ready to cheer our friends/teammates who will run the Portland Marathon tomorrow.

Check out the movie I put together regarding how our TNT Westside team rocked the 10.10.10 Portland Marathon:

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Week 22 - Day 58 - 10.06.10 - Wednesday (B - 3.02 miles)

Decided to do my run early this morning at home because my day calendar shows no time for me to do it at lunch nor after work because of our Nike Womens Send Off party.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Week 21 - Day 57 - 10.02.10 - Saturday (B - 12 miles)

I am definitely tapering and it felt good to run the entire 12 miles.  I found out immediately when I made it back to the park that I was the ONLY one who ran 12 miles today since most of the other folks were running Portland and had to do 8 miles and my fellow Nike full marathoners were either nursing their injuries or tapering early.

It felt good and kinda weird that just several months ago the thought of running 12 miles terrified me and now it feels like just running 5 miles in my brain.  Next Saturday will be 8 miles and I can't wait.  The only thing that is concerning me with this tapering is losing my comfort or muscle memory with running the longer miles.  I know there is reasoning behind all this and I will trust the reasoning and my coaches.

Now to look forward to our Nike send off next Wednesday, 10/6/10 in downtown.  It will be nice to see my fellow TNT runners all in their normal attire instead of our usual sweaty running garb.