Monday, June 21, 2010

Week 7 - Day 18 - 06.21.10 - Monday (9.0 Miles)

I came off a runner’s high from Saturday and was determined to hit my official 9 miles for week 7 of TNT training. I decided to do my run early in the morning this time since I had several appointments during lunch and after work. I figured if I don’t make the time for this, when will I have time for it, right?

I am so glad I did. I started my run at 6:30AM and did my usual 3 mile waterfront loop but this morning I had said out loud I was going to do it 3 times which would hit my 9 mile goal. Amazingly my labored breathing and pains stopped sooner than my usual 2 miles and I was on a high. I was also able to try the Lime flavored Gu that I purchased over the weekend and not bad. I want to start getting used to these types of runner tools for my pending endurance events.

The sun started to rise and I knew I was going to make it. I crossed the Hawthorne Bridge for the third time and could see the end of the bridge. I hit my 9 miles ironically in front of the statue of former Portland Mayor Vera Katz. I decided to take a self portrait of the both of us to commemorate this blessed event, but instead a helpful street person whom I have renamed Mr. Doe offered to take this picture. I felt a bit scared that he might run off with my Droid (camera/phone) but handed it to him anyway. Mr. Doe did a great job taking the picture of Vera and I celebrating my latest running accomplishment. Life is good!

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