Monday, June 28, 2010

Week 8 - Day 21 - 06.28.10 - Monday (10 Miles)

I have to say I don't dread Mondays anymore.  Now that I have it in my schedule to run on these days and now I do them in the mornings to free up my afternoons, I actually...secretly look forward to them now.

Today was no exception.  I knew that this week we would have to run 10 miles on Saturday so thought why not try to see if my body and MIND would allow me to run the 10 miles.  I had set to do my usual 3 laps around the entire waterfront and steel/Hawthorne bridges like last Monday but something said change it up a bit.  I started off at 6:43AM and decided to veer off and run towards OMSI and see where it would lead me.  Thank God I did.  I found the much talk about Springwater Corridor and wanted to see how far I could get to it. It was fabulous running on a narrow stretch of asphalt and the only other inhabitants this early Monday morning were cyclists and fellow runners. 

What I appreciated about this trail was it ran alongside the Willamette River and would take you to Oaks Park.  The sun was just making it's way and the city looked gorgeous.  I almost made it to Oaks Park but looked at my watch and had to turn around to make sure I was back to make it for a 9AM phone conference. My trusty CardioTrainer also reminded me at the turnaround that I had already hit 7 miles so I just needed 3 more miles to get my 10 miles today.  I ran back just in time and was able to take some pics on the way back from my vantage point.  I will definitely tackle this trail again soon to see if I can actually reach Oaks Park.

I hit my 10 miles right at 2 hours so I am averaging about 5 miles per hour.  My next goal is to hopefully bump up my mileage to 6 miles per hour which is an average of 10 minute miles.  It's definitely doable!

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