Thursday, June 24, 2010

Week 7 - Day 19 - 06.24.10 - Thursday (9.07 Miles)

Today’s theme is flexibility!

I was set to do my 9 miles today like I had accomplished on Monday…3 times around the waterfront loop. I was going to do that until I noticed that all the bridges were up so I decided to take a detour and run up along Front Street/Naito Parkway towards NW Portland. It was so beautiful and the new condos alongside the other side of the steel bridge are gorgeous. The only odd thing I saw during this route was a man running in his red Crocs, I mean aren’t those for gardening? I guess it isn’t any stranger than running barefoot.

I was able to get my 3 miles in that way and head up to waterfront loop and then get another 3 miles going to OMSI and back. I was able to finish my 9.07 miles in 107 minutes.

I also like the fact that I have been doing my runs early in the morning when the sun is still bearable and there aren’t that many pedestrians/cyclists to contend with. Another plus is that I get to enjoy the rest of the day without stressing about my pending run. This week and last I have ran the length of my marathon in chunks....UNBELIEVABLE!

As I crossed the Hawthorne Bridge I noticed a banner stating it’s 100th year existence. I can only imagine what Portland looked like in 1910.

I also noticed the crew/rowing teams out on the lake for their early morning exercises. I love this town and being able to see it due to my training has been a reward. I also noticed that I am starting to see some familiar faces with other runners who run around the same time I do. What strikes me every time I run are the different body shapes of runners. Before signing up for Team in Training I assumed that everyone had that lithe runner’s body which I understand in time some do obtain. I’ve just noticed that my face seems to have slimmed down and that my body fat has lessened by several percentages so all this running is doing something. Now for my reward I have made an appointment for a one hour sports massage later this afternoon.

On to Saturday for my next 9 mile run!

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