Saturday, July 10, 2010

Week 9 - Day 26 - 07.10.10 - Saturday (12 Miles)

First a quick shout out to my friend for 20 years Maddy for donating $25 to TNT and my marathon training! 

I also want to thank Coach Heidi for giving us the option to run an hour early this week at 6:30AM instead.  That was a fabulous choice, especially since I could already feel the humidity waking up this morning at 5AM.

Our eager 15 or so TNT runners made it early at Evelyn Schiffler Park to do our respective 6, 12, or 14 miles.  I felt good waking up since I had done my 12 miles on Wednesday on hills and was ready to take that challenge again today.  So we did our "Go Team" and starting running!

My thoughtful running/pace buddy Andrea called me Wednesday night to let me know she and her son were heading to the beach so I wouldn't see her today.  I do miss her and thought that was nice she cared to call :D  I just started with my usual steady pace and felt great.  At the first aid station where Kat was there to greet us off of Scholls Ferry Road at the Portland Running Walking Store, I stopped for just a minute to have one gummy bear and a two small Dixie cups of water and headed back to the course to get my first 7 miles under my belt.  Thank God I was following Lightning Linda because our directions said to turn right on Sorrento Ridge and there was no such sign but instead followed where Linda turned.  If I hadn't I would have been lost.

I finished my first 7.3 miles and was greeted by Coach Darrell (Coach Heidi's better half) back at the starting point at Schiffler Park.  I drank another cup of water and was on my way to my last leg of my run which is about another 4.7 miles.  I tell you what, I grew up in these parts and these runs are opening up new places that I never knew existed on the Westside.  All the while I would run into fellow TNT runners Karissa and Furmine (sp?).  They were great and very nice to connect with when we did our last left back on to Erickson to be greated by some of our TNT mentors for a job well done.  Here are some photos showing what we accomplished:

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