Saturday, September 11, 2010

Week 18 - Day 51 - 09.11.10 - Saturday (B - 17.00 miles)

I have this uncanny habit of running more than I need to at the last part of my TNT group runs.  I did this when we ran our 16 miles near the Nike Campus and forgot to take the right left to get back to the group.

I did it again today with missing Sorrento Ridge/125th on Brockman and instead went all the way to Hall and had to backtrack by running down Nimbus and taking my last two rights on Scholls then to the entrance of our starting point at Portland Running and Walking Company.  My teammates were worried that they decided to call me just to check where I was.  The positive thing about this is it probably added another mile of running to my required 16 today, so it's all good.

Boy were my legs tired because the double whammy of hills on the Murray Hills trail and Weir Road were killer.  Here is the photo of the beginning of the trail that still makes me shudder just looking at it.

The only negative was that with all the trees that line these hills, it keeps screwing with my CardioTrainer's GPS and would automatically pause which didn't account for 3 to 4 miles I actually ran.

I was able to end the day with my racing buddy Andrea at my friend Karen's TNT fundraiser and let's just say we had a great time :D

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