Saturday, May 29, 2010

Week 3 - Day 8 - 05.29.10 - Saturday (4.22 Miles)

Hello Rain, you have overwelcomed your stay now please go away and don't come back any time soon.

Today was my second Saturday TNT group run and we were at another new location at Cedar Hills Rec off of Cedar Hills Blvd. I was a little early and was able to help Coach Heidi set up under the covered area before the rest of the runners arrived. I met another TNT participant Terri who just had her second child three months ago. Now that is an inspiration! I learned that she had run I believe a 10K several years ago but this will be her first half marathon and she is doing the Portland Marathon.

Coach Darrell was in Idaho training for his Ironman Triathalon and his better half Coach Heidi was sharing with us the next couple week's schedules since some of our TNT mentors/coaches would be running their own marathon in San Diego in a couple of weeks.

We started our second TNT Saturday run with our "Go Team" and headed for our first three miles. You gotta love Diane our team paparazzi capturing all these fabulous photo moments.

Thanks to one of my fabulous Mentor Tyler I am also learning the ins and outs of training for a marthon. For example...

Rule 1: Never ever say to yourself or other runners..."We're almost there" in a race. Mentor Tyler advised that once the brain/body hears that it almost automatically decides it's done. He shared with me that his first marathon was the Portland Marathon last year and some uncool Dude in the crowd thought he was helping and yelled "You're almost there" and Mentor Tyler or I should say his body was done. The Dude neglected to let him know that he was on mile 20 something of 26 so almost there was not just several yards/feet but several miles.

Rule 2: When going up a hill, look straight ahead and steady your pace. That helped me and believe you me we had two hills to tackle this day.

I know there are more rules to come and will share them with you as I learn them. Now the run, well it was wet and cold but I still did my 4.22 miles. This was a big milestone in my life because I have never ran 4 miles in my life pretty much all in one time. I did my first 3.1 miles with no problem talking to Mentor Tyler probably 3/4 of the way. I was very proud of my pace and that I pretty much kept up with the second half of the group. It was then when we finished mile 3.1 that my friend Brochitis decided to say hello. I wanted to do another 2 miles but listened to my body and did an additional 1.12 mile. I hope next week will be better and I will get my body back 100% of the time.

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